Empowering singles to make REAL moves!
Don’t let algorithms & matchmakers determine who you meet.
It wasn’t long ago that dating Apps didn’t exist. Whatever did we do? We said hello. We gave our phone number out on napkins and hoped for the best. We at RadarQR believe we can do it safer while coupling with today’s tech platforms. RadarQR is designed for the bold, shy, and everywhere in between. Not sure HOW? Check our “Tips & Tricks” page.
Swiping Sucks. Follow your instincts.
Quantity does not equal quality. We empower singles by playing “Wing-Man” for you when chemistry hits in everyday situations. We facilitate tactful introductions with style, respect, and help you put your best foot forward.
“When someone captures your attention in an everyday situation, BINGO, they are on your Radar!”
—Amberlei F.

Coming Summer 2021!
“The door will be open for those who are bold enough to knock” - Tony Gaskins